Courses: 8 (128 Hours) Project: 1 (128 Hours) Total Duration: 256 Hours
Course Schedule: Friday-Saturday Last Date of Registration: TBH
Venue: Classroom(TBI)/Online Virtual
Fees: BDT 57,660/- (Classroom) / BDT 44,000/- (Online Virtual)
With rocket growing manufacturing cost and ever reducing buyer price, the apparel industry has been suffering for the toughest challenge of maintaining profitability. At this point of time apparel manufacturers are die-heartedly looking for every possible option to remain profitable. When the price is not your hand, you can definitely reduce your cost to increase profitability. ‘Lean Manufacturing Process’ could be the most important vehicle to remain ahead of others in this era of tough competition.
‘Lean Manufacturing Process’ a well-established tool proven in many other manufacturing sectors is yet to find an easy entry to the apparel industry. But there are clear distinctive examples of success in some factories in Bangladesh.
On the other hand, Now a days, the role of Industrial Engineers is very much important in Textile Industry. For production planning & control the role of Industrial Engineers is very important. To make the production smooth & to make good plans for future orders Industrial Engineers can play a vital role.
The objective of TTT- INNOVATION black belt in Application of Lean and Industrial Engineering is to share how a factory has successfully overcome major challenges in the route to increasing productivity using ‘Lean Manufacturing Process’.
Why should you Join :
1 ) Increasing productivity & decreasing waste is the burning issue now a days . Black- Belt achievers will go through all the tools & techniques of implementing Lean in Textile Industry which will make them confident in their future career.
2 ) Experience of working with his / her project under the guidance of Industry Expert in will give them confidence to face them the future challenges at his workplace and solve them with systematic approach.
3 ) The Black Belt pathway will prepare the participate to think how he /she can reduce operational cost with better effect in textile industry.
How to register?
- Select your 8 desirable courses from FSD & SSD.
- Select Your INNOVATION Project Experts (Can take help from TTT Coordinator)
- Get yourself registered.
- Confirm your payment through Cash/Bank Deposit/bKash/Cheque and share your transaction Id with us.
- Your registration is done.
How to complete the TTT-Black Belt Course?
- After completing your registration you will be added to a WhatsApp Group.
- If you want to join in Classroom training, you will be notified for each 8 individual courses.
- If you want to join virtual, a link will be shared in the group before the session starts and he link will take you to the virtual classroom.
- In addition, you will also be tagged with your selected INNOVATION Project Expert and he/she will guide & supervise you to complete your project. You can take help from Textile Today Training for selecting your Expert & Project Factory.

Md. Asrafuzzaman
BSC in IPE from SUST. Head of IE department (Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.)
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Naijur Rahman
Continious Improvement & Efficiency Improvement Consultant| Certified Lean Six Sigma Practitioner, Coach & Guide |Corporate […]
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Engr. Azim Mohammad
Lead Consultant (Panacea Private Consulting)
Lead Consultant (Panacea Private Consulting)
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