Managing Dyehouses Towards Zero (Certificate on Dyehouse Management)
- Date: August 30, September 6, September 7, September 13, 2019
- Duration: 24 Hours
- Class(es): 4 days
- Time: 9.00 AM-5.00PM
- Contact: +88 01734 211085
- Venue: Giant Business Tower, Level # 12, Jasimuddin Avenue, Sector - 3, Uttara, Dhaka-1230.
Bangladesh textile industry is one of the largest in the world. The dyeing and finishing sub sector is very critical for growth and sustainability of the sector. Being the major user of key resources like gas, electricity, water and chemicals the dyehouses are having great impact on environment.
Business challenges of remaining profitable have been coupled with scarcity of resources. Compliance to the law and regulations and buyers protocols has become real challenge for the dyehouses of the country.
Professionals working in the sector and its allied sector can help overcome the challenges and can make the industries more profitable and make them more adaptable to the changes. The training course will help them solving the issues independently in the industries. They will be introduced with necessary tools and techniques to move towards continuous improvement.
The Textile Institute at its Bangladesh Section and Textile Today is jointly offering the intensive 4 days (24 hours) long training on ‘Managing Dyehouses Towards Zero’ for professionals working in the wet processing (dyeing, printing & finishing) industry. The training will help increasing adaptability of the professionals in overcoming modern day business challenges. Modern tools and techniques of both technology and business management will be introduced in the program. A curriculum made by global experts, class room training by the proven technology and management experts and introduction to practical use of right tools and techniques will make the program a unique experience for the participants.
How Participants will be Benefited after The Course
- Participants will be declared as ‘Certified Dyehouse Manager’ by The Textile Institute after successful completion of the course.
- This certificate will add credit to the participants for getting LTI, ATI and FTI credentials.
- Will be acquainted to use modern tools for profitable management of dyehouse both in terms of technology and business aspects.
- A unique opportunity to join in the deyhouse leaders’ community. Global level quality and recognition to open great opportunities in career.
The Training Manual
Certificate on Dyehouse Management
Course Material and Training Manual Designed by: James Park, Park Associates, UK.
To know more about him please read:
All the participants will receive a printed version of training manual.
Training Outline
Title: Introduction to Modern Dyehouse Management
Course curriculum and training designed by: James Park, Park Associates, UK.
Total course length: 4 days (24 hours)
Day one (six hours):
Modern management of textiles and the coloration industry.
The Business (Owners) Perspective.
Setting the management for moving towards zero.
Management aspects for moving towards zero.
Day two (six hours):
Laboratory support and technical services, Colour assessment and measurement.
Sustainability Management.
Day three (six hours):
Practical demonstration of overcoming challenges to move towards zero (APS Group).
Day four (six hours):
Managing Chemical and Processes towards Zero Defect, Zero Failure and Zero Waste.
The Certification:
Successful completion of the course means:
- Participation in all four days of training.
- Attaining 50 percent marks in the assessment.
Assessment will be carried out by an exam at the end of the course. 60 percent of the weightage will of Multiple Choice Questions and 40 percent of weightage will be of Open-ended Questions.
After successful completion of course the participants will receive prestigious The Textile Institute Certificate and will be declared as ‘Certified Dyehouse Manager’.
Any of the following can apply for enrollment:
- Masters in Textile Engineering
- Bachelor in Textile Engineering
- Diploma in Textile Engineering with two years working experience
- Bachelor in any other discipline and three years working experience
Course Fees:
Member (The Textile Institute): BDT 17,000/-
Non members (The Textile Institute): BDT 20,000/-

Dr. Mohammad Abbas Uddin
Principal Engineering Consultant, Reed Consulting Bangladesh Limited
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Tareq Amin
Editor & Publisher Bangladesh Textile Today Mr. Amin is having extensive experience in application of […]
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