Production planning and control (PPC) is of great importance for the competitive position of manufacturing firms. For over thirty years a …
- Date: 5th & 12th July 2019.
- Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Last Date of Registration: First come first serve basis
- Dedicated Course Trainer
- Contact: +88 01734 211085
- Venue: House of Textile Today, 25/A, Lake drive road, Sector #7, Uttara, Dhaka
At this moment the business world is moving fast. So the professionals involved in different Business sector should prepare themselves to keep the same harmony with the very frequently changing business pace to achieve the organizational and personal growth .In most cases technically sound professionals cannot reach to the highest position of any business organization due to lack of presentation, public speaking skills. The ability to give an effective presentation in the workplace is a crucial skill that every employee should possess. Effective delivery and presence can help get a message across and influence an audience in memorable ways, as well as equipping presenters with a confidence that persists in every aspect of their work. Meetings are an essential part of every business; run well they can be highly productive and motivating for staff; run badly they can waste valuable time and achieve limited results. Learn how to plan, structure and conduct effective meetings which deliver the required objectives.
Presentation, Public Speaking & Conducting Business Meeting
The aim of this training is to make the participants capable enough to give any business presentation publically. Course will help the participants to find out the obstacles inside him for effective presentation, public speaking & conducting business meeting in a successful way. This training includes tools and techniques of effective presentation skills, and the knowledge and tactics that empower the participants to communicate confidently and competently to all types of audiences.
This course provides a road-map for delivering effective presentations and motivating an audience through forming his/her message, designing visuals and demos, preparing for the unexpected, and effective delivery strategies. By the end of this course, participants will learn many techniques on how to become a more effective presenter.
- Engagement Strategies of the participants
- Keeping your participants alert, engaged, open and relaxed
- Using rapport-building techniques with success
- Using activities and games to reinforce the learning
- Implementing a variety of learning exercises
- Seating formats & work areas
- Variety of technology and art in presentation of technology
- Avoiding “death by power point”. Use simple methods to create compelling visuals—what to include and what to leave out
- PowerPoint font style, size & color plus background color
- Right use & combination of colors
- Use of pictures vs. animated images
- Do’s and don’ts of PowerPoint
- Using brain-compatible flip-chart techniques
- Engaging the image-brain for rapid memorization
- Have Optimum Comprehension and Recall
- Avoid data overload: Data dumping is counter-productive
- Techniques to reinforce memorization and new content
- Key Presentation Strategies
- How to present to various professions e.g., sales, accountants, engineers, directors, frontline staff etc.
- How to “chunk” information for easy assimilation
- How to revisit content in multiple ways and why it’s so important
- What to do when there’s not enough time to deliver all the material
- “Signal phrases” and how to use them (optional)
- Managing “disturbing” participants with ease
- Techniques for effectively dealing with the most common types
- Talker or Know It All
- Arguer or Questioner
- Quiet or Withdrawn
- Complainer
- Distracter
- Prevention steps to avoid the encounter in the first place
- Techniques for effectively dealing with the most common types
- Voice & Body Language
- Assessing your voice
- Strengthening your voice
- Using your voice for maximum impact:
- The power of the pause
- How to achieve an even “pace”
- How to use tone and inflection to convey your message
- Why varying your volume can make a difference
- How to avoid “verbal sabotage”
- Creating “stage presence:”
- Ensuring that your body language is compatible with your message
- Avoiding annoying gestures that detract from your message
- Learning to move with purpose
- Injecting energy and grace into your movements
- Including your audience
- Appearance Matter
- How you look
- How you sound
- What you say & how you say matters
- Other practical tips
- Gestures, positioning, facial expressions matter
- Opening a Session
- How to build “instant” rapport with participants, melt resistance, and get buy-in from the beginning
- How to build credibility?
- Overcoming learning barriers
- Creative ways to open a training session
- Setting ground rules and why they are important in participate training
- Closing Session
- Common mistakes to avoid
- Allowing reflection on the content to create a sense of “ownership”
- Wrap-up techniques to cement the commitment to continued learning and application
- Physical & Mental Energizers
- Recharge a group when the energy is waning
- Increase alertness and attention
- Transition to a new topic
- Participant presentations
- Opportunity to prepare and deliver one or more presentations and to receive personal feedback from the trainer and peers
Conducting Effective Business Meetings
- The Meeting’s Objective
- Communicate the Purpose of the Meeting
- Be Selective about Attendees
- Must Create a Meeting Agenda
- Stick to Your Plan
- Keep attendants Engaged
- Summarize the Meeting
- Must have execution format
- Followup and evaluation outline
Who can attend?
- Businessman
- New Entrepreneurs
- Professionals and executives
PowerPoint Presentation, Interactive session with relevant videos and case studies and role plays
Boarding & Certification
- Course materials and food will be provided by Textile Today.
- Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of training.
Course Fee :
For individual training modules: 5,900/- (Five Thousand Nine Hundred Taka Only)

Course Fee :
For individual training modules: 5,900/- (Five Thousand Nine Hundred Taka Only)
Mentors Profile
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