+88 01734 211085 training@textiletoday.com.bd


Foundation Course on

Soft Skill Development of
Textile Professionals

While job seekers are looking for dream jobs, the employers of those positions are looking for the right person. Employers exhaust their efforts in finding out gems while many potential job seekers are simply wasting many opportunities to make themselves suitable for those Positions.

Textile Today ‘Professional Proficiency Incubator’ is the place where you can find right reliable and responsible support and guidance to move to the leadership positions and professional excellence.

Technical skills are something very important for doing well in entry to mid-level positions. Along with the technical skills, the engineers must develop ‘people management skills’ and ‘conceptual skills’. As a whole ‘soft skills’ are very important for modern day engineers- particularly if they want to reach leadership positions in jobs and businesses.

Textile Today ‘Professional Proficiency Incubator’ will take your ‘Soft Skills’ to a level where you could never imagine. A proper effective blend in your skills and behavior will take you to the leadership positions in your career.

Leadership skills

  • Leadership mentality
  • Changing things
  • Motivation (others)
  • Decision making
  • Conflict management

Interpersonal Skills

  • Communication
  • Think win-win
  • Seek first to understand,
    then to be understood
  • Synergize
  • Networking

Personal Skills

  • Goal setting capacity
  • Adaptability
  • Priority setting
  • Self-evaluation/Criticism
  • Self confidence
  • Dynamic / Think out of the box
  • Resilience
  • Proactiveness
  • Integrity, honesty, commitment
  • Managing emotions

Modular Soft Skill Programs

Duration(each of above programs):
2 Days, 4 Classes, 8 Hours