+88 01734 211085 training@textiletoday.com.bd

Building efficient
professionals to implement
Sustainability Management
(SMS) in Textile

To become certified sustainability manager participants have to successfully complete below mentioned five training modules.

Session-wise content of training modules are as mentioned below:

Module 1

Module Title Main Content
Training on Sustainable Use of Resources in Textiles Industry

Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Date: November 9-10, 2018

Energy, GHG, Air Emission Management (Energy Balance)
Steam Management (Steam and Condensate Balance)
Water, Wastewater (Water Balance)
Efficient use of textile material (Material Balance)


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Module 2

Module Title Main Content
Training on Sustainable Chemicals and Environmental Management in Textiles Industry

Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Date: December 7-8, 2018

Resource Efficient Management of Chemical
Chemical & Environmental Management System in Textile & Garments Industry


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Module 3

Module Title Main Content
Training on Safety Management in Textiles Industry

Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Date: November 16-17, 2018

Industrial Safety (Fire, Structural, Electrical)
Occupational Health & Safety


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Module 4

Module Title Main Content
Training on Compliance (Social & Materials) Management in Textiles Industry

Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Date: October 27-28, 2018

Stainable Human Resource & Compliance Management (BSCI, SEDEX, ICS, WRAP, C-TPAT, Labor laws, ILO)
Buyer’s COC (Primark, H&M, M&S, Lidl, VF, etc.)
Modern CSR Practices
Product Compliance & It’s Sustainability Management (GOTS, OCS, OEKOTEX, STeP)


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Module 5

Module Title Main Content
Training on Sustainability Management System in Textiles Industry

Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Date: November 2-3, 2018

Sustainability in Textile Value Chain – Consumers’/ Brands and Manufacturer’s Perspective
Data Management & Sustainability Reporting (Excel, Doc, Visio)
Higg FEM Training


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Individual Module Duration: 2 full days (14 hours)


For individual training modules: 9,900/- (Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Taka Only)
For SAC issue certificate on Higg FEM additional BDT 2,500/- will be added per participant
For Total Certificate Program (5 training Modules): 39,900/ ( Thirty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Taka Only )
*All fees are excluding VAT
**3 or more participants from an organization get 20% discount.
***Textile Today subscribers and TTH Alumni’s get 10% discount


  • A graduate from any discipline and at least 2 years experiences in social compliance, maintenance & engineering and production management in Textile Industry
  • A graduate from any discipline and at least 1 year experience in ECR/Environmental/Chemical Management In Textile Industry
  • Textile/Apparel/Chemical/Environmental/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering students (who has completed minimum 3rd year of B.Sc. degree) from reputed institutions having strong desire to build career in sustainability management of textile industry can be considered for enrolment in the courses.
  • Applicants have to have good academic track records, satisfactory analytical ability and English proficiency.


  • Power Point Presentations, Exercises, Practical Demonstrations of Tools and Techniques and Materials, Practical Case Sharing, Question and Answer Sessions etc.


  • Course materials and food will be provided
  • Certificates will be awarded to participants at successful completion of training


House # 47, Suite # 43, Road # 27, Block A, Banani, Dhaka 1213