+88 01734 211085 training@textiletoday.com.bd

Foundation Training on

Factory Skills Development

First ever Industry Orientation
for Textile professionals and students in Bangladesh

The training courses will prepare participants to achieve their own, departmental and company KPIs (Key Performing Indicators)

Each FSD Training courses ae of 16-20 hours (4 days) including necessary factory/practical training

Certified Apparel Manufacturing Technologist
Factory Skill Development Courses Option
Lean Manufacturing Mandatory
Product Development Mandatory
Industrial Engineering Optional
Quality Assurance Optional
Apparel Supply Chain Management Optional
Production Planning & Control Optional
Participants have to take 4 courses from above 6 for being Certified Apparel Manufacturing Technologist
Certified Apparel Merchandiser
Factory Skill Development Courses Option
Apparel Supply Chain Management Mandatory
Apparel Marketing Mandatory
Product Development Optional
Industrial Engineering Optional
Production Planning & Control Optional
Quality Assurance Optional
Participants have to take 4 courses from above 6 for being Certified Apparel Merchandiser
Certified Fabric Technologist
Factory Skill Development Courses Option
Textile Fibre, Yarn, Fabric Mandatory
Knitting & Knit Processing Mandatory
Weaving & Woven Processing Optional
Quality Assurance Optional
Denim Development & Manufacturing Optional
Supply Chain Management Optional
Participants have to take 4 courses from above 6 for being Certified Fabric Technologist
Certified Wash Technologist
Factory Skill Development Courses Option
Denim Development & Manufacturing Mandatory
Garments Washing & Effects Mandatory
Textile Fibre, Yarn, Fabric Optional
Quality Assurance Optional
3R & Sustainability Optional
Printing Design & Development Optional
Participants have to take 4 courses from above 6 for being Certified Wash Technologist
Certified Dyeing & Printing Technologist
Factory Skill Development Courses Option
Trends & Techniques of Garments Printing Mandatory
3R & Sustainability Mandatory
Weaving & Woven Processing Optional
Garments Washing & Effects Optional
Knit Dyeing & Finishing Optional
Printing Design & Development Optional
Participants have to take 4 courses from above 6 for being Certified Dyeing & Printing Technologist

FSD Yellow Belt:

Minimum 8 Foundation Training Courses & 2 FSD Certificates Achiever

FSD Green Belt:

Minimum 12 Foundation Training Courses & 3 FSD Certificates Achiever

FSD Black Belt:

Minimum 16 Foundation Training Courses & 4 FSD Certificates Achiever

Certificates will be handed over in gala events.

A real industrial
not just training

Course Fee

FSD Programs Foundation Courses Fees
Foundation in FSD 1 5900/-
Certificate in FSD 4 19,900/-
Yellow Belt in FSD 8 32,900/-
Green Belt in FSD 12 47,900/-
Black Belt in FSD 16 57,600/-

* All fees are excluding VAT.
* 3 or more participants from an organization
get special discount.
* Textile Today subscribers and TTH Alumni’s
get 10% discount


  • A graduate from any discipline and at least 1 year
    experiences in Textile and Apparel Industry
  • Textile/Apparel/Chemical/Environmental/
    Mechanical/Electrical Engineering students (who has
    completed minimum 3rd year of B.Sc. degree) from
    reputed institutions can be considered for enrolment in
    the courses.
  • Applicants have to have good academic track records,
    satisfactory analytical ability and English proficiency.


Power Point Presentations,
Exercises, Practical Demonstration
of Textile Materials, Question and
Answer sessions etc.


Course materials and food will be provided by Textile Today.
Certicates will be awarded to participants at the end of Training.