+88 01734 211085 training@textiletoday.com.bd

Confirmation – Garment Printing Technology

You have successfully Registered to this training

Please pay the registration fee following below payment instructions by the last day of registration.


Bank Details:

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.

A/C Name: Amin & Jahan Corp. Ltd.
Acc. No: 20502760100097201
Branch: Gulshan circle-1, Gulshan-1, Dhaka

bKash Details:

+88 01712677695

At Office:

Amin & Jahan Corp. Ltd.

25/A Lake Drive Road,

Sector: 7, Uttara, Dhaka-1230

Quick Info

  • Training Course Name: PPI Training on Garment Printing Technology
  • Venue: DYSIN Conference Center & Testing Lab Skylark Point (11th Floor), 24/A Bijoy Nagar 175 S.S. Nazrul Islam Shoronee, Dhaka-1000
  • Registration Fee: BDT 9,900/- (Nine thousand nine hundred taka only).
  • Date: 20th, 21st, 27th & 28th October 2018

Please note that, this is auto generated message your seats are not confirmed unless you are paid.